Thursday, August 2, 2012


I spent two wonderful weeks in Finland this summer, taking a break from the work stress, internet, news, and just hanging out with family and friends. Helsinki is such a beautiful city, and I love the fact that the downtown is surrounded by water. We stayed at the Grand Marina Hotel, which is my favorite hotel in Helsinki due to its great location in the city center, right next to the water, of course. Having been gone for more than 17 years, I do feel like a tourist when I go back to visit.

I'm wearing a Michael Kors dress and a J.Crew linen sweater, Tory Burch espadrilles. 


  1. Helsinki voi tuntua asukkaallekin näin kesällä kuin olisi turistina. On aikaa käydä kauppatorilla, istua kahviloissa, kulkea "muiden turistien" seassa, ihastella puistojen kukkaistutuksia... Helsinki on ihana kesäkaupunki!

  2. Olisipa ollut viela enemman aikaa turisteerata siella!
