Monday, January 14, 2013

The 5 Month Project

I love my new fur west, which I finally picked up this Friday. It was quite a saga to get to this point where I am actually wearing and enjoying it. Like so many pieces in my wardrobe, this one has a story...

The vest is made from an old fur coat that my husband had bought in an estate sale for a song a couple of years ago. The coat was in good shape, but it was old fashioned and frumpy. It was sitting in our attic for a while, almost forgotten, until I saw a beautiful fur vest in blue fox at Saks, price in thousands. I loved the unusual color and it reminded me of the poor old blue musk rat coat in the attic.

I have a conflicting view on fur, and would never buy a new fur coat (or a vest) to directly support the fur business, or growing animals only for their fur. But I love the luxurious look of fur, and the unparalleled warmth, and have allowed myself some second hand fur. Yes, it may be hypocritical, and shallow, but I never said I'm perfect...

Anyhow, I took the musk rat coat to my old friends at Tsontos Furs in Mineola. It must have been in August. They took my measurements and got to work. I was supposed to go for fitting in a couple of weeks. But then life happened - travel, birthday parties, storms, crazy work schedules, sick kids, nanny problems, etc., and I did not manage to go for the fitting until December. The folks at Tsontos had called me several times, and may have even put a bounty hunter after me, for all I know.

When I finally showed up for the fitting, I was really happy with the way the vest was coming together, but it was a bit loose. I asked them to take the seams in, and I agreed to pick the vest up in a week or so. Which I did, and tried it at the shop, but even though I felt that it was still slightly too loose, I didn't say anything, because I thought that I'd already been enough of a pain in the ass customer. So I took the vest home, but I was not very happy with it. Eventually I decided that I did not want to be stuck with a vest that was almost great, so I gathered up my courage and took the vest back for adjustment. That took another couple of weeks, and I FINALLY picked up the vest on Friday. And happy to say that now it's perfect. Well worth the wait. Or what do you think?


  1. Hyvä, että veit liivin takas. Nyt se nimittäin näyttää tosi hyvältä!!...Samoin kuin laukkusi:)

  2. Kiitos! Juu, vahan nolotti olla niin vaikea asiakas, mutta olen tosi tyytyvainen lopputulokseen. BV'n laukku on ollut on ahkerassa kaytossa :-) musta se on niin ihanan varinen kylma tummanruskea..

  3. Ihan mahtava liivi! Juuri tuon tyyppistä olen metsästänyt kissojen ja koirien kanssa. Minulla on aika samanlainen katsomus turkistuotteita kohtaan. Tosin voisin jopa harkita ostavani turkista uutena kunhan se on tehty Suomessa eikä Kiinassa. Mutta yleensä hankin kaiken second handinä.

    Ja tuo BV:n laukku, oh my! Mitä olet tykännyt käytännössä? Kiinnostaa kun tuo on ollut hankintalistalla niin pitkään.

    1. Bottegan laukuthan on tosi lotkoja, ja siina yksi syy miksi valitsin taman Roma mallin, se tuntui hieman napakammalta kuin ne hobo tai tote tyyppiset mallit. Suurin osa Bottegan laukuista on myos paalta avoimia, mika ei minua haittaa mutta jos tykkaa saada laukkunsa kiinni niin voi olla ongelma. Tassa Romassa on kylla vetoketjullinen keskilokero. Olen kayttanyt tata laukkua paljon, mutta aika varovasti, en nimittain oikein usko etta tama kestaisi ihan paivittaista tyokamojen raahaamista ja jatkuvaa "trains, planes, automobiles" elamaa. Ei tunnu siis samalla tavalla kestavalta kuin LV'n kassit jotka varmaan selviaisivat pommin rajahdyksesta yhta muovisen kiiltavana kuin uuden uutukaisena. BV'ssa on kuitenkin oma luksuksen hohtonsa ja tykkaan siita etta logot ei hypi silmille ja etta kassi tulee kestamaan aikaa kun ei ole mikaan ns. IT-laukku. Tama menee aidilta tyttarelle, ainakin jos jatkan varovaista kayttoa (tyttaret saa sitten tapella mun vintage kamoista kun joskus niiden paalle jotain ymmartavat hamassa tulevaisuudessa...).
