Monday, May 1, 2017

Sad News

It's hard to update the blog on sad times, which explains my absence for the past month. My father-in-law passed away, worn away by a year of deteriorating condition, and being mostly in the hospital. He rallied back from the brink many times, but in the end his lungs could not support him anymore and he went over the rainbow bridge peacefully early on Easter Sunday. The symbolism of the day was not lost on the family, or me. I lost my own father on Christmas Day, and now my husband lost his father on Easter. Both these holidays will forever have a different, deeper meaning to us. My father-in-law's funeral proceedings took place very fast as is the tradition for muslims, and he was buried on the next day. All his eight children were there for the prayer service, the washing of the body, and the burial. It was sad, of course, but I did not have much of a relationship with him, so it wasn't a personal grief really. Mostly I was sad for my husband who lost his father. Whether you're close or not, your father is still your father.

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