Sunday, July 5, 2015

Happy Hula Holiday

Ha! I noticed that I'm only posting one Holiday post after another. It's been so busy that I haven't had time to blog much...been busy at work, and just lots of stuff going on generally. I'm still Ebay'ing and it's actually going ok (I've been able to sell several things), but the app is a little whacky, posting my listings on the blog randomly at odd times.

Anyway, here are some pics from our Fourth of July party. It was a very active one... with lots of hula hooping and badminton, playing "Capture the Flag" with kids against adults (it didn't end well), and the usual trampoline jumping and general running around. We have a great view from our yard to the fireworks which just seems to get better year after year.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome party! as usual. But this one turned into an active one. Loved the hula hooping!
