Sunday, December 18, 2016


I kind of hate the saying "If you can dream it you can do it." I can dream of winning in the lottery all my life, but there's really not much I can do to make it happen.. Some dreams are meant to be just that, dreams. And some dreams would require way too much work to come to reality, work that you don't have the capability, drive or resources to do. Those dreams are better as just dreams because they give you a little break from your drudgery, and anyway, reality might not live up to expectation. I began thinking about dreams when I thought about any possible new year's resolutions that I should make. I usually make them and break them every year. But I guess those are also not dreams, but goals. I never made a dream map, which is another thing I think is BS. If you want to make something happen, just call it a plan, and do it. Dreams are in a different category, in my mind. ...anyway, according to another school of thought you should put all your dreams out there in the universe, and they will eventually come through. So here goes, in no particular order, these are the things I'm dreaming about.

I dream about
- working only three days a week
- a house on the beach with a yoga studio overlooking the ocean
- a real Finnish sauna
- having time to cuddle and read with my kids every day
- having time to chat and cuddle with hubby every day
- getting a daily massage
- traveling somewhere warm when it's cold
- having a lunch date with a friend at least once a week
- having more time to hang out with friends in general
- being able to eat chocolates and not gaining weight
- having a 20/20 vision
- winning in the lotto
- owning my own successful business
- being the CEO of my own life
- a sewing studio (and time to use it)
- being able to create beautiful spaces
- having a pool
- living on a vineyard and biking every day to a near-by farm stand
- living on the Finnish coast line
- a flat stomach and no cellulite
- running a 5K and getting a medal
- going to a luxurious spa for a week
- having time and money to travel around the world with my family (in first class)
- grooming Coco as the real poodle lady she is
- being able to ski really well and doing it in Aspen, CO
- giving my own super cool TED talk
- inventing something completely new and original (and becoming a billionaire as a result)
- donating all my money away after I've become a billionaire
- being able to laugh so much I almost pee in my pants every day
- seeing my kids grow up to be happy, successful, and balanced human beings
- not caring about what anyone else thinks
- being able to make a positive difference in people's lives
- being a really good singer
- having the most perfectly ordered and beautiful closet / dressing room
- having peace of mind

Ok, that was fun! I had to stop myself as the list could go on and on. What do you dream about?

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