Friday, May 23, 2014

My Favorite New Trend the comfort sandals, or sport sandals, or whatever you want to call them. In my case, Birkenstocks. I mean, girls, I am so happy that I can wear Birkenstocks (BIRKENSTOCKS!!) as fashion. I have even worn them with socks (SOCKS!!) like below. THE BEST TREND EVER! Here's one quite typical Friday errand-running, hanging-with-kids outfit: JCrew denim shirt, H&M track pants, and old scarf, and my Nike Fuel to track my steps, calories, etc. This is me waiting for the school bus to arrive.


  1. Kivan nälöiset nuo Birkenstockit myös sukkien kanssa. Täytyy munkin kokeilla :)
