Sunday, October 9, 2016

Birthday Breakfast

My youngest just turned six, and if I had my way, I would like to slow down time so that I could enjoy this time period a little bit more. Fill my life with moments where you have time to sit still and appreciate it. But since "time is no man's friend" we have to just squeeze in whatever moments we can. Last weekend we took a day to celebrate the little one's birthday. First we went to have a stomach stretching breakfast at a Long Island breakfast staple, Maureen's Kitchen in Smithtown, and then apple picking a little further out on the island.


  1. Onnittelut synttärisankarille <3
    Kivan näköinen paikka.

    1. Kiitos :-) Joo, Maureen's Kitchen on aika "kitsch" mutta sen takia juuri niin hauska.

  2. Mahtavaa! Mä niin arvasin että tykkäätte paikasta. :D

    1. Jep! Tykättiin! On vaan vähän kaukana...joten ei tule varmaan käytyä kovin usein. Mutta sopivasti matkan varrella jos ollaan menossa North Forkiin.
