Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tuesday's Dress and A Peek of Blue Skies

It was nice to drive to the station this morning and actually see the road in front of you. Yesterday the fog was really thick! Seeing some blue sky peeking out from the clouds is also good for the spirit. The body is tired and trying to stave off a flu, but the spirit is fighting. I just simply can't afford to get sick now, there's too much going on. 3 out 5 in the family are sick with flu..I guess my chances are not very good..but I will fight!

Today's outfit is one of those tried and tru, comfortable and make-you-feel-good, but still business-like outfits. Everyone should have a few of these for busy days. A dress is so easy and this knit version is truly expandable. Expandability is important during this Holiday season - I swear I will only eat rabbit food in January! And stay away from wine. The consumption has gone thru the roof in December. I am not one of those to drink a glass every night, except in December when it all adds up; the Holiday parties, lunches, dinners and after-work cocktails. Maybe I will join the Finnish tradition to abstain from alcohol for the month of January to give my poor liver a break.

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