Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Last Christmas

Post, that is :-)  I promise that I will move on after this.. I just can't' help myself - in case you haven't noticed yet - I loooooove Christmas! I try to get into the spirit way before and try to preserve the spirit way after. It is about the peace, love, family, friends, traditions, taking it easy, being relaxed and enjoying the moment.  These pictures are hodge podge of our Christmas - a little stroll at the Americana mall to check out Christmas decorations on Christmas Eve and to get some fresh air before dinner, relaxing by the fire on Christmas Eve, playing with presents on Christmas Day, and my favorite Christmas decor from our house. 

waiting for Santa!

Santa and Buddha happy together


  1. HEEEIII IHANAA että oot alkanu pitää blogia!!!!! <3 <3 jes voin seurata täältä teidänkin kuulumisia :-) happy happy happy!!

    1. Samat sanat! Jaan innolla odottamaan mahtavia kuvia! <3
