Saturday, July 12, 2014

Worldcup Confessions

Ok, a bit of a confession here... I haven't seen one FIFA world cup game from start to finish. Just bits and pieces here and there (lobby of my office building, my husband watching recorded games, etc.). I am a big fan of Brazil, so I was very disappointed when Brazil got butchered by Germany. I was at the airport, seeing my first born off to a trip, and got the bad news while eating in the airport diner when the German travelers were cheering (yelling and screaming like crazy) every time they scored a goal agains Brazil. One, two, three, four, five...let's stop counting now...embarrassing, is how I felt, and I did not even watch the game! Felt bad for Brazil, and Neymar and Silva, who I'm sure felt responsible for the loss (and not having played)... So I'm not really invested in the finale. Although, my boy-crazy 6-year old wants Argentina to win because apparently they have cuter players! I don't really care whether it's Argentina or Germany that wins. I'm only going for what I know about the players, and certainly the Argentinian key player, Lionel Messi, has a compelling story. He battled a hormonal deficiency when growing up, which would have left him almost as a dwarf if not for medication, and struggled to pay for the expensive medication, eventually getting the Spanish team from Barcelona sign him up and pay for the meds. He may have a bit of a Napoleon complex, but it's ok, given the backstory. On the contrary, I know nothing about the German players; they may have their own sob stories. Need to do some googling before tomorrow's game. Who are you rooting for?

Neymar looking good in Wall Street Journal Article. Isn't he CUTE! 

Lionel Messi, the Argentinian little big man...

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