Thursday, December 11, 2014


I'm way behind sharing what I've been reading lately. This is the first installment: 

Sophia Amoruso is the founder of online clothing store Nasty Gal, which grew from a small Ebay shop where she sold vintage clothing, to a $100 million grossing online clothing megastore in less than 10 years. So since I had been toying with the idea of opening a re-sale high end clothing boutique (I even had a name for it - Second Act), I was interested in her story. And quite a story it is. From rags to riches, literally! The book is a very quick read, and it's obviously targeted to a much younger crowd, so it was a bit annoying at spots, but it has an important message: be yourself, develop a unique point of view, don't be afraid to work hard, grow, learn and tackle things you've never done before, but don't lose the uniqueness in the process. 

This was a thriller. I picked it up last summer when I was visiting Finland because I wanted to read more in Finnish, and it was written by a Scandinavian author (with a Finnish first name!). Not sure if it was a poor translation from Danish to Finnish,but the language felt a bit off. Other than that, the story was interesting, about rich and evil boarding school students who got away with murder, became successful society figures and businessmen, but their past is finally catching up. Not perhaps one of the best books I've read, but entertaining enough.


  1. Yeah, the English translation of Jussi Adler-Olsen's books is a bit off too! I'd like to know if the language is weird in the original.

    1. Joo, jotain outoa siina kielessa oli... Ehka outous ei sitten ollutkaan kaannoksen syy. Nyt mulla odottaa lukemista Finlandia palkinnon voittanut Jussi Valtosen "He eivat tieda mita tekevat". Odotan silta enemman!
