Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Yummy Mummy

The new pecking order in the "mommy wars" seems to be not between the working moms and stay-at-home moms, but between those moms who have regained their perfect pre-pregnancy body just weeks after giving birth, and those that still look pregnant a couple years after.. A New York Times article recently caught my eye that talked about this issue and I fully agree as I have noticed the same in my own life. When I had my first 10 years ago, nobody expected me to be skinny right after giving birht, but when I had my last baby 2 years ago, attitudes had already changed, and it was expected that you would lose the weight pretty quickly, if not, you were quite pathetic.. Never mind, that we all have different bodies, metabolic rates, health conditions, etc. Anyway, this is an interesting cultural subject and the story is worth a read:

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